Jayanthi Chemicals
"Jayanthi Chemicals" is a Sole Proprietorship entity based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Established in 2005, the company specializes as a Wholesale Supplier and Importer, offering a premium range of Polyol Chemicals, Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI), and Polyurethane Isocyanates.
The company operates an advanced system house in Chennai, dedicated to developing Rigid and Flexible Molded Systems. Rigid Systems are extensively supplied to industries such as Cold Storage, Clean Rooms, Solar Water Heaters, Ice Boxes, Thermoware, Doors, and Pipe Sections. Meanwhile, Flexible Systems cater to Seating, Furniture, Armrests, and Automotive applications.
With a wealth of experience in sourcing and supplying quality products, Jayanthi Chemicals has established a strong presence in the Polyurethane industry. Its sales and distribution network spans nationwide, supported by independent business units for streamlined operations and superior customer service. Additionally, the company has expanded into International Trade, collaborating with several global organizations.
Jayanthi Chemicals values long-term partnerships, emphasizing trust and high-quality relationships with its principals and customers. It is committed to becoming a reliable business partner by delivering consistent quality, timely deliveries, and exceptional service.
Looking ahead, Jayanthi Chemicals has ambitious growth plans aimed at enhancing its market presence and customer service. This vision ensures its ability to meet local market demands and contribute to the success of its clients and stakeholders.
Our mission is to become a trusted partner in the Polyurethane industry by delivering superior-quality chemical solutions that meet and exceed customer expectations. We are committed to fostering innovation, ensuring timely delivery, and building reliable supply chains that empower our clients.
Our vision is to be a global leader in the distribution and supply of Polyurethane chemicals, recognized for our excellence in quality, service, and customer-centric approach. We aim to drive sustainable growth while contributing to advancements in the industries we serve.
We prioritize delivering products that meet the highest quality standards, ensuring reliability and performance for all our customers., Innovation: Building lasting relationships with our customers through personalized service and consistent support is at the heart of everything we do.